
As one of the top flat fee real estate brokers in Houston, we at NB Elite Realty LLC know the value an open house real estate can have. The fact of the matter is that many agents are not opting for open houses because they think that open houses are a waste of time. However, it is likely that these same agents do not know how to execute an open house properly. If they did, they would realize the opportunity that an open house can bring to an agent’s career. If you are interested in learning more, contact us at NB Elite Realty LLC today.

Open House Real Estate

One of the most beneficial things for you can be an open house real estate agents. However, there are certain things that you must do to ensure that your open house is a success.

  •       Market It: Agents need to take a vested approach to marketing their open houses. A poorly marketed open house is not going to have anyone attending. If you take the time to create a landing page for the open house and then share it on social media, you will be able to draw in a bigger crowd than you would be able to otherwise.


  •       Schedule Well: Make sure to know what times are prime for your particular area. Some areas may fare better with after-work open houses while others may do better with open houses scheduled during the lunch hour.


  •       Have a Sign-In: A digital sign-in it typically less intimidating than a non-digital one. If the attendees do not want to sign in, emphasize that it is a security issue.


  •       Have Hand-Outs: Make sure that your handouts do not just cover the home and what it includes. This is going to be boring to a majority of your attendees. Instead, offer information about your services and valuable tips that they can use.

One of the Top Flat Fee Real Estate Brokers

We have been in the industry for years, and we know for a fact that open houses do make a difference. What matters in making them successful is how you do them. If you are spending all your time avoiding open houses because you are certain they are a waste, you are missing out on potential leads and, ultimately, on potential sales. By learning how to do open houses properly, you can become a better agent and serve your clients better. Contact us at NB Elite Realty today to learn more.

Contact Us

NB Elite Realty LLC is one of the top flat fee brokers in Houston. We know how difficult it can be to deal with open houses, but they are worth it. Agents may not see how valuable these things can be right away, but they will see the benefit in the long run. The fact of the matter is that, while open houses may not lead to buyers directly, it can ultimately lead to clientele. If you are interested in learning more about our services as one of the top flat fee real estate brokers, contact us at NB Elite Realty LLC today.

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