Nowadays, an agent must press hard to come up with any profits when working under the traditional brokerage model, not to mention the part where you must give away a significant chunk of your money to use their desk! The truth is that most traditional brokerages no longer have anything to offer real estate agents that they can’t get themselves online, making it very difficult to justify the commission split.
However, real estate agents need to remember that they still have the option to choose a flat fee brokerage for agents over a traditional brokerage. In today’s article, our NB Elite Realty team will help you understand how a flat fee brokerage works and how you, as a real estate agent, will benefit from working under them. But before we get into that, let’s understand what a flat fee means.
What Is A Flat Fee Brokerage?
A flat fee brokerage refers to a brokerage that charges a fixed fee to all agents working under them instead of taking a percentage-based commission depending on the property’s final sale price. In a flat fee model, the amount your property sells for will not impact the fee you must pay to your broker. Now that you understand how flat fee brokerages differ from traditional ones let’s check out the top three advantages of working under this model.
You Get Greater Control Over Your Business.
In most traditional brokerages, a real estate agent must follow specific rules and guidelines set by their brokerage. However, in a flat fee brokerage for agents, you will have much more flexibility and control over your business. This allows you to make your own business decisions regarding how you wish to run your real estate practice. It is an excellent way for real estate agents to achieve greater independence and career flexibility!
The Ability To Budget For Their Fee
If you often run tight on budget towards the end of the month, knowing how much you must pay your broker for each sale will be comforting. A flat fee brokerage for agents allows you to budget your expenses according to how much you might have to pay for your next deal. Most agents would love to reduce the uncertainty in their commission split, and knowing upfront how much they must pay their broker for each sale is the best way to do so.
It Will Help You Save Money!
Since flat fees do not vary depending on the final sale price of your property, this approach is generally much less costly than a traditional commission split. In most instances, a flat fee will help agents save money since it’s usually much lower than commission. However, it will all depend on your deal’s final terms and conditions with the broker. You must read all terms and conditions carefully and ensure you fully understand them before signing anything.
When you partner with NB Elite Realty, we will sit with you and carefully explain every detail of your contract. Our founder broker, Nebo Bandovic, can quickly help you understand how the real estate market works and what you can do to make the most of the money you save. Nebo has helped thousands of agents invest their money and can help guide you in the right direction!
Contact NB Elite Realty for more information today!
If you are a real estate agent tired of splitting their hard-earned commission with your broker, maybe you should consider working for a flat fee brokerage instead. At NB Elite Realty, we like to keep things clear and transparent. Our flat fee structure allows you to save money and control your business better. With our help and Nebo’s guidance, you can have a thriving career as a professional real estate agent!