
Breakfast Meeting with the Broker in Dallas, Tx

On Sunday, Dec 3, 2017 at 10am

At The Fairmont Hotel

1717 N. Akard Street, Dallas, TX 75201

This is an invite to all Texas Agents to come and interact with Broker Nebo Bandovic in an open session meeting where he will share valuable information based on his expertise and experience in the Real Estate Industry over breakfast. This would help all the agents with planning for the new calendar year.

If you know of Prospective Agents who would be interested, please bring them along and let us know  at NB Elite Realty (info@nbeliterealty.com)

Upcoming Events:

Friday, December 8, 2017 at 12 noon:

Webinar and Open Session with Broker in Houston Headquarter

Friday, December 15, 2017 at 12 noon:

Open Session with Broker in Miami Headquarter

(In the Pipeline : Open Sessions in San Antonio, El Paso & Austin in early 2018)